To be honest, I was just surfing net and got across your company's name and was bit apprehensive while ordering online. But, your prompt service has brought smile to my family’s face and indeed mines too. Thanks a ton and be prepared, my next order is indeed going to be through your site. Thanks again to the whole team. – Steve, Sweden
I would like to acknowledge the effort put in by the whole team that inspite of placing the order on such short notice; they have made sure that the order reached on time. – Srinath Reddy, Chennai
Can’t imagine the happiness that my wife experienced when the hamper was delivered right on her Birthday”! – Derek, U.K.
Hey guys, First time I ordered something to be delivered to U.S.A. Everything was great. Liked the efficiency of delivery service.- Milo, Norway
Hi, few days back I had a complaint of delivery of the gift at the wrong address. But I am very pleased the way you followed up and delivered the gift at the right place. Keep it up! –Soren, Indonsia
Important declaration : Alcohol to be purchased and delivered to persons who are of 21 years of age or more. Upon placing an order, you will automatically validate that you and the person who accepts delivery will be 21 years of age or older.
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