Hi, I have been always happy with your site’s delivery timing and the quality of the products. This time I am especially happy since I ordered it at the very last moment. Still you managed it so well. – Jasper, Brazil
“I was apprehensive about the content and quality. But I was proved wrong. My wife was very happy with the gift. Thanks a ton to your team.” Sajid, Saudi Arab
You guys have provided an incredibly good service. Will look forward in doing more business with you in future! – Devendra Singh, Lucknow
Thank you for following up and making sure my mother received the gifts on her birthday. I appreciate the effort. The gifts were appreciated by my mother. –Salman, Kuwait
“Thanks to the kind of service provided, the product was as fresh as straight from the Garden”. – Henery Clark, USA
Important declaration : Alcohol to be purchased and delivered to persons who are of 21 years of age or more. Upon placing an order, you will automatically validate that you and the person who accepts delivery will be 21 years of age or older.
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Just click and send this Special Red Wine and Two Glasses with Droste Hamper conveying the warmth of your love to your lovely relatives residing far away. This Hamper is presented with Fortant Cabernet Sauvignon red wine, 2 wine glasses and Droste gift box (200gram) packed in wood grain gift Box.
Delight your loved ones with this Lait Passion Gift Box that combines happiness and excitement to deliver your love to them. This Box features Luxury Box Chocolates Milk 225g, Cocoa Truffles Milk 200g, Artisan Biscuits 200g, and Chateau Lamothe 50cl Red.
They will be charmed when they receive this special bouquet of Orange Gerbera and Lilies and some seasonal flowers with heavy lush foliage. This will surely make them feel happy.
A low profile package That is loaded with feeling, class and harmony! Superb red roses are the keystone of this design, wonderfully presented with baby's breath, lime green hues and red berries. Tastefully delivered in a vintage-like white, wooden bowl.