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16 red roses, 3 white perfume lilies, match greenery, arrange in beautiful glass vase arrangement.
Add sweetness into your relationship by sending people close to your heart this Silky-Smooth Mixed Floral Basket that is sweet as your pure love. This Basket is composed of 8 Red Carnations, 8 Pink Carnations with 2 Pink Lilies and 1 White Lilly with lots of Greens.
Because this basket is filled with fresh fruit and a flowering plant, it will be thoroughly enjoyed long after the fruit is gone. Fresh apples, bananas and pears, along with a flowering plant, arrive in an oval wicker basket decorated with a bow.
2 pink lilies, 30 colorful carnations, match greenery, pink crepe paper to wrap. (The picture is only for reference and the main items are the same, the effect is guaranteed.)