Perfect site for sending gift abroad, really I am saying this with my personal experience. Delivery is always on time & product is delivered in perfect condition. Its great experience using your online site!!! – Hareesh Teja, Chandigarh
To be honest, I was just surfing net and got across your company's name and was bit apprehensive while ordering online. But, your prompt service has brought smile to my family’s face and indeed mines too. Thanks a ton and be prepared, my next order is indeed going to be through your site. Thanks again to the whole team. – Steve, Sweden
“Thanks to the kind of service provided, the product was as fresh as straight from the Garden”. – Henery Clark, USA
I am really happy with your service. I ordered a present and it reached my brother safe and as a sweet surprise. Compliments from- Samuel, Poland
“Thanks for the hamper which came as a real surprise at the appropriate time”. – Gopala Swamy, Sri Lanka
Important declaration : Alcohol to be purchased and delivered to persons who are of 21 years of age or more. Upon placing an order, you will automatically validate that you and the person who accepts delivery will be 21 years of age or older.