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Important declaration : Alcohol to be purchased and delivered to persons who are of 21 years of age or more. Upon placing an order, you will automatically validate that you and the person who accepts delivery will be 21 years of age or older.
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Bouquet of beautiful pink roses and gerberas ao make this whole a beautiful creation!
Reach out for this Crafty Treat-A Sweet Gift Basket of Assortments which is a magnificent gift for the most amazing person in your life. This wonderful selection contains everything needed for a wonderful celebration like 1 Bottle of Premier Cru Champagne Edmond Roussin (75 cl.), Belgian Biscuits Ju
Every bite of this Fragrant 3.0 Kg. Fresh Fruit Basket will make you and your loved ones taste the bliss of heaven. This gift comes with 8 different kind of Fruits packed in transparent mica and adapted snared. The displayed Fruits may change depending on season.
Cute mixed gift basket that is customized for you in translucent mica, which is provided with a silk bow. We bring your message to free up a hand-written card. So your gift a personalized gift. Beautiful gift basket filled with a Belgian beer, 75 cl., Artisan pasta with accompanying tomato sauce,