Thank you very much for your prompt delivery. It was a great surprise and the recipient just loved the present. Superb! – Emmily, Sweden
I am really glad I found your website and trusted in it. I will sure refer you to all my friends here in US. Thanks a ton!!- Steve, Turkey
To be honest, I was just surfing net and got across your company's name and was bit apprehensive while ordering online. But, your prompt service has brought smile to my family’s face and indeed mines too. Thanks a ton and be prepared, my next order is indeed going to be through your site. Thanks again to the whole team. – Steve, Sweden
Thank you for honoring the delivery date committed on the website. The gifts were received and appreciated. I will definitely recommend you as a service provider to my friends. – Benjamin, Sudan
I was so happy to hear how happy my daughter was when she received her birthday present. You have proved yet again that you take the business and customers' satisfaction very seriously. I will not only stick to your site for all of my future transactions but also will go an extra mile to recommend your service to my friends. Hats off to you! – Harshita Jain, Mumbai
Important declaration : Alcohol to be purchased and delivered to persons who are of 21 years of age or more. Upon placing an order, you will automatically validate that you and the person who accepts delivery will be 21 years of age or older.
Tivoli-Danish Cookies (300g), Dare-Break time Cookies (250g), Laurence Raisin cookies (250g), Cream-O (304g), Lady’s Choice-Strawberry jam (240g), Maxwell House Tea (168g), Fox-Fruit Candy (100g), Red Apple, Green Apple, Orange, Pears, Kiwi
Stylish Arrangement of Fresh Flowers in Basket. - Yellow Lilies - White Malaysian Mums - Pink Pompoms - Two Tone Carnations - Purple Orchids - Other Flowers