Valentine�s day Flowers and Gifts to Philippines |
One Dozen Purple Orchids in a Bouquet |
1 dozen pink roses in a bouquet |
One-sided arrangement in a basket |
1 dozen red n yellow mix roses in a bouquet |
White Dendrobium Orchid Plant |
Red,pink n white mini roses |
Red and pink roses in a heart shape basket. |
3 pcs yellow roses in a vase w/ bear |
1 Dozen Mixed Gerbera Arrange in a Glass Vase |
One Dozen Yellow Vanda Orchids in a Bouquet |
One dozen pink roses in a bouquet. |
6pcs Red Gerbera and Greenery Arrange in a Bouquet |
2 dozen peach roses in a vase |
6 pcs red roses w/ greenary in a glass vase |
1 dozen red roses in a vase with bear |
2 dozen pink roses in bouquet |
1 dozen pink roses in bouquet |
1 dozen yellow roses in a vase |
One dozen red roses in a bouquet. |
Any part in The Philippines |