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We are an Online Florist always At your Service.Service with Top Quality, Lesser Costs, High Reliability and Heart. Don't believe us. Simply experience it. Or even Compare us. We know you will be with us.

And how we do it is simple! Some qualified Directors, Dedicated Staff, Top Class & Professional worldwide Florist Network of 1000's of Florists penetrating Countries States,Cities & even small towns and of course a sound, smooth, fair & easy to use website based on high technology platform.

This way we guarantee :
- Right Products : Right in freshness, look & taste.
- Right Prices : Compare us and you will know.
- 24 hrs. fast & friendly Customer Support : Try us.
- Highest level of Security & Privacy : Relax.

Contact us :
Contact No:+914424329154
Email us : [email protected]
We reply within an hour during working hours.

Write to us :
Right Florist Pvt Ltd.
P-76 Lake Road Kolkata-29
R. No:021-79253



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