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Welcome to our Affiliate Program information  .

Do you have a web site? Do you want to reach millions of people who are buying products online? Do you want to add value to your site? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then join Rightflorist.com's s Affiliate Program.

Earn Commission
   Earn up to 8 % commission on our products. The more products you sell, the more money you earn!

Join for Free
   There is no charge to join our Affiliate Program

It�s Easy
   We provide you with all of the tools you need as an Affiliate. You can add links to your site and access reports online so you can see how well you�re doing as an Affiliate. We handle the order, shipment, and billing. All you do is place the link and make money!

Associate with a Name People Trust
    Customers want to buy products from a name they trust. When you sell our products on your web site, your visitors will want to buy from an industry leader. You can feel comfortable knowing that you linked them to a reliable Merchant.

Monitor the Success of Your Affiliate Site
   We give you access to online reporting through our Reporting.net site. With reports available to you at any time, you can assess how effective your Affiliate site is marketing our products.

   So don't waste any more time - you could be earning money today. Apply now to the Rightflorist.com's Affiliate Program!


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